Workdays are a rewarding way to connect more deeply to local ecosystems and build community.

Each season on the prairie brings new tasks, challenges, and joy. In late Fall we may be found removing and burning woody brush that threatens native plant species on the prairie. Winter and Early Spring activities include continued brush removal with warm bonfires, often in the woods. In Early Spring we start scouting for and treating problematic weeds. When Late Spring arrives we begin collecting seed from a diverse range of native species. This work continues through the Fall. From our collected seed we craft highly-specific seed mixes, which we then broadcast back into the preserve. We also assist Lake Forest Open Lands conduct critically-important prescribed burns when conditions are just right. Throughout all seasons we are monitoring the health of the preserve by tracking native and introduced species. Involvement in restoration work across seasons helps to deepen our understanding of, and care for this special place.

Wondering what to expect when you join us for a workday?

  • Activities depend on the season and the weather. Much of the time, the day’s work takes us off-trail, sometimes through dense vegetation, mud, wetlands, or snow. 

  • We typically work through all types of conditions and will cancel workdays only for extreme weather scenarios.


  • A personal water bottle is recommended, especially in hot weather.

  • While sometimes volunteers bring snacks for the group, we always suggest bringing a snack of your own.

  • We provide necessary tools and gloves for the day’s restoration work.

  • When cutting brush, some people like to wear safety goggles. A limited number of goggles are available, but please bring your own if you have them.


  • Dress for the weather, in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty.

  • Sturdy outdoor shoes and long pants are best.

  •  Sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses are recommended during warmer months when we may spend prolonged periods in full sun.

  •  In Spring and Summer when mosquitos and ticks are active, insect repellant or repellant-treated clothing are useful.

  •  Waterproof boots are helpful during wet weather, as are snow-boots in times of deep snow cover.

  •  In Winter, when the main activity is brush cutting, be sure to wear old clothes. Embers from brush pile burns can damage clothing unless you stay upwind of the fire, which we always recommend.

  •  Warmer gloves (rather than standard-issue work gloves) may also make your hands more comfortable in cold weather.


  • You are invited! All experience levels are welcome and appreciated! 

  • Our events are family-friendly, though some tasks may not be appropriate for youngsters, who also will need parental supervision.

  • For a variety of reasons regarding safety, dogs are not permitted at our workdays.

  • Please email if you have questions about workdays!